2oth of February
2.30 p.m. : 大家都准备好了吗!?出发咯!!!Pangsun....我们来了!!
抵达之后 : 我们被分成6组(batman,superman,spiderman,cicakman,incredibles & transformers), 接着,残酷的斗争便开始咯!!
当天的第一项目是ice breaking games,我们都很努力的在破冰哦~~ 破冰的过程中,我们还制造了一首在这世上独一无二的曲子。。。指挥着是我们重量级的senior: Ming Wai!!
当所有的冰都溶化之后,便是累死人的Obstacles crossing!! 有那么难么?有!我们先得蹲着过河,然后跑上山(当时已累得不成人形了),越过重重障碍,再下山!(老天爷!我有惧高症耶!)好不容易完成任务后,本想冲个干干净净的澡,却被拒于门外。。。=.= (因为河水正从我那湿溚溚的衣滴下)12个人一间房。。。一间房只有一间冲凉房。。。所以要等咯。。。
晚餐嘛~~~由于本人实在是太饿了,所以单单以汁捞饭亦是人间美食。吃饱了又是时候去jungle trekking了。妈呀,本小姐想回家了!!Instructor不让我们带任何有光的东西,包括手机!大家以组行动。。。7-8 个人一组。。。惟有前面的人能摸绳前进,其他人只能牵着手。。。在那伸手不见五子的情况下前进。。。不时有“人”出现吓我们(真的连自己的手也看不见!!很恐怖~~)在等待的时候,也不时传来其他人的尖叫声。。。 我当时真的好想家~.~ 不过。。。各位。。。我们(incredibles)做到了哦!!我们不曾松开任何一位队员的手,大家没走失,大家安全的抵达终点!!Incredibles!! 超棒的!!
21th of February
今天的活动大致上是一连串的ice breaking games 和 水上活动。水上活动超刺激的!感觉上像个士兵在进行某个任务似的。在rafting的比赛中,incredibles获得第一名哦!(当然啦。。。大家简直像个人肉机器似的。。。手脚并用。。。太厉害了啦!! =p)各位,我们当天还有ALSCO IDOL & camp fire耶!不知为何,AMERICAN IDOL 的评审都飞来参加ALSCO camp 了。也许是经气不景气的缘故吧。。。来赚外快也不错。。。你们有看过incredibles 绕口令吗??
晚上又是与大自然相处的时间了。。。SOLO DROP! 独自静坐在森林里(而且是河边呐!)一个小时多,不断猜想不远处的白影是否是人影之外,还得控制自己不可入睡。。。这绝对是在考验本人的毅力吗!恐惧感来袭的时候。。。萤火虫是我唯一的“依靠”!!至少看到萤火虫时,不会感到那么害怕。。。 无聊的instructor在我们想回营睡觉时还捉弄我们,骗我们有人在林中失踪!! pls let me sleep lar...=.=
22th of February
Treasure Hunt!!! 这是本人玩过最难的treasure hunt 了。。。因为这里有太多太多太多的斜坡了。。。XD 接着,便是人类交通游戏。。。er。。。哈哈,不再场的人是绝对感受不到当时的气氛是多么的。。。热闹!!
camp 来到尾声了,Spiderman 成了大赢家。。。恭喜恭喜。。。
那么快就结束了~好不舍得哦~ >.< ~ ALSCO CAMP!I'll be back!!!
My mailbox!!!
yea..the champion team: spiderman!!
(不管有没有入选ALSCO,我们都是one big family!) All the best ppl~
Happy Valentine's Day
Love is in the air~
A gift from me to my mom! XD
Actually......I forced them to take photo with the balloon...
Nice pic, isn't it? =p
Valentine's Day Project
Finally, it's over!!
从Orientation Day Project 到 Valentine's Day Project, 大家都付出了很多。。。也学到了很多。。。
活动结束后,我不禁松了口气。。。但与Ainaa & Christabel 比起来,我的付出并不算什么。。。不论如何,我很庆幸我们大家一起克服了这些难关。。。以及一些突变。。。
总之,本小姐个人认为,这次的任务还蛮成功的。当然,还有很多进步空间~ =P
This is our decoration board! (Mukand is sold to Cancel Mukand)
"Excuse me, would you like to buy some cupcakes, sweets, chupa chups, paper roses or chocolates? It's cheaper if you buy in a package.There's package A, B ... ... ... " " It's for the charity... ... ..."
(the booth became "cacat" on the last day)
"oh...I received a rose! So sweet~~~ " (just acting)
They need not say any words...coz...they are using eye contact!!
Mentor: Divya + 2 mentees: me & C.T
Me & Ainaa ^^V
从Orientation Day Project 到 Valentine's Day Project, 大家都付出了很多。。。也学到了很多。。。
活动结束后,我不禁松了口气。。。但与Ainaa & Christabel 比起来,我的付出并不算什么。。。不论如何,我很庆幸我们大家一起克服了这些难关。。。以及一些突变。。。
总之,本小姐个人认为,这次的任务还蛮成功的。当然,还有很多进步空间~ =P
This is our decoration board! (Mukand is sold to Cancel Mukand)
"Excuse me, would you like to buy some cupcakes, sweets, chupa chups, paper roses or chocolates? It's cheaper if you buy in a package.There's package A, B ... ... ... " " It's for the charity... ... ..."
(the booth became "cacat" on the last day)
"oh...I received a rose! So sweet~~~ " (just acting)
They need not say any words...coz...they are using eye contact!!
Mentor: Divya + 2 mentees: me & C.T
Me & Ainaa ^^V
Yea....today is a special day for my dearest fren : Ms Ching Hui Ning!
Happy 18th Birthday~~
Actually, we know each other since standard one...i guess....=p
Yet, we weren't close fren at that time....
We only get closer to each other when we entered the same secondary school and were in the same class for the first year.
WE used to gossip together, go tuition together, eat together, laugh together.....bla bla bla....and also share the happiness and sadness together......
It is really amazing to have you as my close fren....perhaps i should say...best fren...you and xin ni...my best frenz ever....
I really appretiate the time we used to spend together......
Though we are unable to meet each other that often nowdays since we are busy with our college life...i do really hope that our friendship will never fade....
All the best~~Rakkoon~~=p
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