今天我很开心哦!为什么呢?因为好事连连来嘛~~昨天听说有朋友收到ALSCO的通知说星期一有meeting,偏偏我没收到电话通知,害我以为我的interview失败了(入选的会接到电话通知;没入选的就不会接到通知)。还好,今天早上我接到通知了!!好开心~我真的以为我没入选呢!好开心,好开心。。。中午的时候,欣霓提前帮我庆祝生日。。。我们在MidValley吃韩国餐,很好吃噢!!!!!很可惜惠绫不能来。。。但,她们送了我梦寐以求的钱包哦。。。晚上,我又吃大餐了。。。因为今天亦是UPA(父母做工的公司)的Annual Dinner。总之,今晚的我,就连做梦也会笑就对了。=p
1 条评论:
see.. purposely create an acc to give you a comment.. u shud appreciate it well ah.. next time pls treat me a lunch la.. haha..
u totally changed after u cut your hair.. i cant even recognize you when i saw the photo at the 1st time :D
anyway, Happy belated birthday.. and thanks to wake me up in time :P