

Inter-class game had finally ended!

1st, I would like to thank all the committee members who had put in so much effort in preparing all these games...although the games weren't 100% success......you guys still scored 80% (20% is for us to improve...^^ scored 80% for first try...it could be considered as high score d ) THANK YOU!! ( we learn through experience...isn't it? =D)

2nd, thank you again my dear L6Bians...thank you for supporting this inter-class game...really glad to know that my class is such a supportive class! =) Really touching u know?? xD Special training sessions during holidays, staying back everyday just to be part of the supporters or back ups...i feel guilty now...coz i didn't stay back for Tuesday...>.<... Even some people didn't feel like staying back...they still decided to stay in the end! TQQQ~~~ (even Laura stayed back for...a while today...xD) It doesn't really matter whether we win or lose the games...but one thing for sure...our bonding is much stronger than it was...(i can feel that the interaction with Laura has improved tremendously!) *fall in love with my class...^^v*

3rd, thank you to the rest of the classes! Without any of you...we will never be able to make the inter-class game to be successful...so thanks for supporting too!

*how's Desmond performance this week?? xD improved?? giving him a chance? we shall discuss it on monday! =) Tq for trying to improving urself too*
